CBSE: Sociology Practical Project For Class XIth and XIIth 20 Marks
This is the marking scheme for Sociology subject for class XIth, Code no 039. New text books for this subject for class xi th and xii th have been introduced for the academic session 2007-08. Sociology is not just a knowledge but it is more than that. It has been decided that there should be project work also as per the new sociology syllabus. Project work in this subject not only help in construction of knowledge and build creativity in students but also help the students to understand the right attitude for several social issues. It makes students able to solve their problems efficiently in their real life.
So this project work will help students. This project will consist 20 marks for the exams in the academic year 2008-2009 and rest 80 marks will be there in Sociology theory. For the class XII, the same parter will introduced in the next year. It has been decided that theory will consist 80 marks for XII class student in Sociology for the examination in year 2010. and rest marks will left for practical project work.
These 20 marks for practical project will be evaluated externally by the examiners. This is the marking scheme for these 20 marks:
07 marks will be given by the examiner at the school level during the project work undertaken at school level in academic year. It will consist statement of purpose, techniques, methodology and last conclusion.
05 marks will be given for Viva based on this sociology project work.
And the rest 08 marks will be given research design, it will be based on several factors:
Format, research questions, choice of technique, detailed procedure, limitations of the above techniques. It will be good for the students to obtain higher marks in this subject with the help of this new project work.
The same marking scheme will be applied for the xii th class students for their 20 marks for examination to be held in the year of 2010.
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