Wednesday, September 2, 2009

CBSE Grading System X 10 9 Class from 2010-11 Introduced


CBSE Grading System Introduced in X and IX class

Finally Grading system in CBSE X class has been introduced and will work form the next year 2010-11. The board exams now have become optional for x and new system called continuous and comprehensive evaluation (CCE) has been approved based on grades. There would be two assessment during a year called as formative and summative assessment.

About Formative Assessment: it will be based on class work, homework, assignment and project work done by the students.

Two evaluations would be there each in first and second term and will carry 10 marks.

In summative assessment based on the term end examination:

There would be one term end exam for each term. The first term end exam will carry 20 marks and second will carry 40 marks.

There would be total 9 grades for class IX and Xth. Grade for a student would be based on the marks obtained in formative and summative assessments. Here is the complete detail of grading system.

Marks Obtained Grade
95 and above A1
90 to 94 A2
85 t0 89 A3
80 to 84 B1
70 to 79 B2
60 to 69 C1
50 to 59 C2
33 to 49 C3
Less than 33 D

There will be only two terms in a year. So the examination burden would be less as compare to the previous one. Let see what will be the impact of this grading system. As per the pole conducted on this website, students still wants to boards exams in x class as compulsory.

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