How to get high marks in university
After completing school days, no one wants to do hard work to get high marks in university. But without hard work it’s very difficult to get huge marks. There are some tips that will help you to get good marks in university. Initially students normally do not give attention to their studies and when the exam comes near, searches on internet like how to get good marks and tips to score high marks without preparation and hard work begins to starts.
There are some tips that will help you to Score high marks in your university examination.
Starting of Paper: First impression is the last impression. So try to start your paper with a well prepared question.
Black and Blue Pen: Red pens are not allowed in the examination, so you should use black and blue pen in your examination.
Neat and clean: all answers should be in neat and clean hand writing. it give a positive impression over examiner.
Point wise Answers: Try to write your answer in point wise format. Write the title, make it bold or you can also use black pen, start writing your answer.
Heading and underline: Always underline each and every question, make it dark or underline the question number by black pen. It will provide a clear view to the examiner.
Leave Sufficient space: Leave sufficient space in between in your answers. If you are starting new questions give space of minimum 4 to 5 lines.
Graphs and Diagrams: Don’t leave graphs and diagrams. Always try to solve them first as these questions can offer you high marks if answered properly. Don’t leave any graphical question un-attempted. If you don’t know how to explain it properly, no problem, just make graphs properly which is most important and then start explaining it.
Books to prepare: If you don’t have enough time to practice, must prepare at least few last year solved sample paper questions. Definitely you will get more then passing marks even though you have not studies whole year.
Don’t leave any question blank, if you have any idea about the topic, attempt it but at last.
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